Are You Suffering From Searing Toothaches? Dental Crowns in Hutchinson Could Ease Your Pain


You’ve noticed over the last few days that your tooth has been aching. You weren’t going to schedule an appointment with your dentist, but now the pain’s beginning to affect your work and keeping you from being able to comfortably eat. Dental crowns in Hutchinson may be the best treatment option for you. You could be experiencing severe pain because of several reasons. Visiting your dental professional can get you the answers you’re looking for. Learn why you would need a crown and how they can benefit your oral health by reading on.

Why Would You Need a Dental Crown?

Crowns are custom-made to cover the surface of your tooth to strengthen and protect it. It repairs the structure and function while preserving your natural tooth underneath. They can be used to treat dental issues such as:

  • Severe tooth decay that can’t be fixed with a simple filling.
  • A fractured or damaged tooth.
  • Strengthening weakened teeth that have a high risk of breaking.
  • Correcting aesthetic flaws.
  • Restoring and protecting a tooth after root canal treatment.
  • When a missing tooth has been replaced by a dental implant and needs to be restored.
  • When a dental bridge has been placed and requires crowns to be anchored in place.

Dental crowns can be made from multiple materials including stainless steel, porcelain-fused-to-metal, resin, and ceramic. All-ceramic crowns are popular because they’re the most aesthetically pleasing option that fits in best with your natural smile. Your dentist’s recommendation will take into account factors like the crown’s location, your budget, and your personal preference.

What are the Benefits of Crowns?

Dental crowns can help your teeth look and function better. They can also help maintain your smile and preserve your oral health. Here are the top 5 benefits they have to offer:

  • Relieve your discomfort and pain.
  • Enjoy a simple and minimally invasive procedure.
  • Because they’re custom-crafted, they’ll match the rest of your smile in shape, size, and color.
  • Enjoy their cosmetic benefits that can correct problems like discoloration and chips.
  • They’re strong and long-lasting when they’re properly cared for.

Putting off getting a crown can put you at risk for tooth loss and spreading infections. Not only can crowns make your smile aesthetically pleasing, but they keep your oral health in check.

What’s the Process to Get a Crown?

Typically, getting a crown involves a couple of visits with your dentist in Hutchinson. During the first visit, you’ll be able to ask your trusted professional any questions you have about the procedure and how it will be able to benefit you. They’ll prepare your tooth to take digital impressions that will be sent to a dental laboratory to build your custom-made crown.

While your crown is being made, your dentist will place a temporary one to help reduce your discomfort and allow you to carry on with your day-to-day life. When your crown arrives from the laboratory, they’ll make final tweaks to it and secure it in place using cement.

Ease your pain and reap all the benefits dental crowns have to offer by treating your affected tooth. Visiting your dentist for a consultation can help ease your worries and answer any questions you may have about the treatment. Putting off repairing and protecting a decaying tooth could result in oral health problems, so you won’t want to put this on the backburner!

About the Practice

At Grant D. Ringler, DDS, we offer the services of 3 highly trained dentists with unmatched compassion for treating their patients. They strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where patients can feel relaxed. Providing everyone that walks through their doors with trustworthy treatment is what drives them. For any questions or to schedule an appointment, visit Grant D. Ringler’s website or contact 620-860-0309.